Aide Job Description
Aides are hired to fulfill a specific academic, behavioral, supervisory, or clerical function with a specific time assignment. As needs change, aides may be reassigned to match these needs. Specific expectations may be found below.
Aide Hours
Aides are assigned a set amount of hours to work per day and per week. In general, they are not to exceed the amount of time they are assigned each day and week. They may work more than their allotted time if they substitute for another aide or teacher. In these instances they are required to remain under 27.5 hours a week of total time worked.
Under circumstances where subbing does not occur, aides may not work more hours a day than they are allotted. They may not work more hours a week than they are allotted. They may not make up time for time they previously missed. They may not work more hours to make up for future time off.
Aide Budgets
Aides are paid out of specific budgets where funds are set aside to pay them for the year. Some aides are paid out of more than one budget. The same requirements for time that has been allotted for the aide to work is found within specific budgets, meaning that if an aide works 5 hours a week from budget A and 10 hours a week from budget B, the aide must stay within these allotments. Supervisors will assist in scheduling how to successfully do this.
Time Compliance
Aides are to monitor their own time and budgets and are responsible to make adjustments in order to remain within the time they have been assigned. Aides work with their supervisor to use one of the following methods to ensure compliance. Aides and supervisors may choose one or both.
Aide communicates a sum of their time in each budget to their supervisor each Thursday along with how they will remain within their time for the week.
Aide communicates the sum of their time for the whole week to their supervisor each Friday along with how they will reduce next week’s hours if needed to adjust.
In the case where these methods are ineffective, disciplinary action will be taken.
Aides that go over each pay period are reminded by the front office of their time via email.
Aides that go over their time more than two pay periods will be given a written warning from their supervisor, up to three times.
Aides that demonstrate a lack of professional accountability in this matter may lose their employment with ICSD.
Aides are exempt from disciplinary action when school logistics or the actions of another cause the overtime. For example, an aide is held over because a teacher fails to retrieve the class on time. In this case the aide would work with their supervisor in order to communicate with the teacher or principal. No job action would be taken in this example.
Aide Attendance
Aides are an important part of ensuring learning in school. They provide specialized services that focus on the needs of individual students. They are usually highly trained and know their craft. When they are absent it is difficult to substitute them with trained personnel.
Time Off
Aides may be absent without pay as long as their leave is approved. This is done by submitting a Leave of Absence form to the office. Aides at East Elementary are given six days in which they may be absent during the year. Supervisors will work closely with aides that take more than six days in the year. Mitigating circumstances will be taken into account. Job action may be warranted.
Recording Absences
The office records absences. Supervisors or aides may request this information at any time. Only absences where an employee is expected to be present are counted and recorded. School related absences are not counted, i.e., field trips, training, etc.
Aide Expectations
Class Size Reduction (CSR)
Alleviate the burden of the teacher as directed by the teacher.
Maintain equipment and respond to requests to make copies.
Literacy / Title 1
Assist in the school’s literacy goals as directed by the literacy coach.
Lunch Monitor
Ensure that students are safe and following school rules in the cafeteria and on the playground under the direction of the principal.
Cafeteria Expectations
Enforce cafeteria rules which are:
Face forward on your pockets,
Use your inside voice, and
Raise your hand for help.
Playground/Inside Recess Expectations
Ensure student safety by:
Roaming/Observing all children,
Keeping students where they need to be, and
Enforcing school rules.
Preparation: Computers & Physical Ed.
Offer wholesome instruction with appropriate behavior management in the given subject area under the direction of the principal.
Special Education & Resource
Assist in the school’s special education program as directed by the special education team. To support the implementation of a student’s IEP under the direction of the special education teacher.
Classroom Expectations
Make your target students your top priority. Assist the teacher by giving individual guidance and discipline to your students.
Be engaged in whatever your target students are doing. Be aware. Help your students respond to teacher directions and instruction.
Support the classroom teacher as the situation dictates.
Report to the special education teacher when the IEP students are engaged with another professional.
Act as another responsible adult in the room by helping to guide, discipline, and teach all students under the direction of the teacher.
Assist in the school’s speech education program as directed by the speech language pathologist or technician.
Title 6
Assist students of Native American origin under the direction of the principal and district.
Assist the school to reach it’s academic and behavioral goals as determined by the principal.