Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Response To Intervention (RTI) are the educational framework for Iron County School District. The framework ensures systemic, evidence-based practice to ensure that all students learn at high levels through instruction and tiered levels of support.
Universal, or Tier 1 instruction, is the curriculum that is provided to all students. Tier 1 instruction should be implemented effectively before considering Tier 2 or Tier 3 services.
Targeted, or Tier 2 instruction and supports, are provided to remediate or accelerate student learning in small groups. Tier 2 instruction and supports are targeted to the specific needs of each student.
Intensive, or Tier 3 supports, are additional supports that dig even deeper into what each individual student needs to succeed. These supports are a response to students with significant challenges to overcome in order to experience success.
Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction and supports are provided in addition to Tier 1 instruction. The model is illustrated below.

How educators move students from tier to tier:
1. When a teacher is concerned that a student needs academic or behavioral support to be successful, they bring their concerns to the MTSS team. The team determines what interventions would be best and the teacher works to implement the interventions over the next 6 weeks.
2. MTSS forms are completed by the teacher as they implement interventions and collect data on the effectiveness of the interventions.
3. The team meets again to determine if interventions should continue or if the student should be referred for a 504 plan or Special Education services. Parents will be contacted by the Special Education teacher regarding testing if the team feels a referral is required.