
Link to 2024-25 District Calendar

School Responsibility in Communication

School-wide messages and events intended for everyone will be sent via Remind. The more important events and information will be posted on our facebook page and website on the News/Events announcement at the top of the page.

Teachers will connect with parents at least weekly through Remind and/or email. To avoid repetition of messages, teachers will only send messages that pertain to their class or grade.

Teachers will send home physical copies with students whose parents do not have internet access of both school-wide and class messages.

Communication to parents will largely be digital in nature. When flyers are sent home with students, the school or teachers will notify parents through the methods mentioned above. The school rarely sends anything through the post office.

Parent Responsibility in Communication

Parents sign up for Remind, join the East Elementary group, and their child or children’s class group(s).
Parents read digital messages from the school.

Parents check the school website or facebook page when looking for information.

Parents contact their child’s teacher when they have a question or concern before contacting the office.

Please bookmark our website (
Please follow us on Facebook (CedarEastElementary).
Please join us on Remind (Text @cedareas to the number 81010).
Please join your teacher’s Remind. They will provide instructions.